Contents of the Vitae Patrum
Prolegomena (not yet translated)
Title Page of 1628 edition
Book One, by various authors, pages 1 - 423 , in four parts, !a, 1b, 1c, 1d
Book 1a 1. Life of Paul the First Hermit by St Jerome 2. Life of the blessed Antony, by St Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, translated into Latin by Evagrius priest of Antioch. Can be obtained, with notes and introduction, from Benedict Baker, Coed Glas, Talgarth Road, Bronllys, Brecon, Powys, LD3 0HN. Price £4.50 including p&p Published by Fellowship of Solitaries ( www.solitaries.org.uk ) who also have other publications on the solitary life.
3. The Life of Saint Hilarion, Monk by Jerome, presbyter & divine 4. The Life of Saint Malchus, Monk and Captive by Jerome, presbyter 5. The Life of Saint Onuphrius, Hermit, by Abba Paphnutius 6. The Life of Saint Pachomius, Abbot of Tabennisi, by an unknown Greek Author 7. The Life of Saint Abraham, Hermit, by S. Ephraem the Deacon 8. The Life of Saint Basil,Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. by Bishop Amphilochius Iconius,
Book 1b 9. The Life of Saint Ephraem of Syria, a deacon of Edessa, by an unknown Greek writer 10. The Life of St Simeon Stylites by Antony, his disciple 11. The Life of St John the Almsgiver by Leontius, bishop of Neapolis in Cyprus 12. The Life of Saints Epictetus, presbyter and Astion, monk, by an unknown writer 13. The Life of Saint Macarius of Rome, a servant of God, by Theophilus, Sergius and Hyginus 14. The Life of the blessed Posthumius, the father of five thousand monks, by an unknown author 15. The Life of St Frontonius, abbot, author unknown
Book 1c The Life of Barlaam and Josaphat , not yet translated
Book 1d The holy women of the Vitae 16. The Life of St Eugenia, Virgin and Martyr, by an unknown author 17. The Life of St Euphrasia (or Euphraxia), Virgin, by an unknown author 18. The Life of St Euphrosyna, Virgin, by an unknown author 19. The Life of St Mary the Harlot, by St Epphraem the Archdeacon 20. The Life of St Thais the Harlot by an unknown author 21. The Life of St Pelagia the Harlot by Jacob the deacon 22. The Life of St Mary of Egypt by Sophronius, Bishop of Jrusalem 23. The Life of St Marina Virgin by an unknown author 24. The Life of St Fabiola, Virgin and Martyr, by St Jeroeme, presbyter and divine 25. The Life of St Paula, Widow. by St Jerome, presbyter and divine 26. The Life of St Marcella Widow, by St Jerome, presbyter and divine
Book Two, by Rufinus priest of Aquileia, pages 424 -491
Prologue & Life of John, Hor, Ammon,Benus, those in the Oxyrynchus complex, Theonus, Apollonius, another Ammon, Copres and Patermutius Syrus, Isaiah, Paulus, Anuph, Helenus, Elias, Pithyrion, Eulogius, Appelles and John, Paphnutius, Isidore, Serapion, Apollonius, Dioscurus, the monks of Nitria, those in the Cells, another Ammon, Didymus, Cronius, Origen, Evagrius, the two Macarii, another Ammon, Paul the Simple, Piammon, John, epilogue.
(Notes, not translated)
Book Three, by Rufinus. Sayings of the Fathers. Pages 492 - 535. (Notes, not translated)
Book Four, Extracts from the Dialogues of Severus Sulpitius and the Institutes and Conferences.of John Cassian Pages 536 - 558
Book Five, Sayings of the Fathers, by an unknown Greek author translated into Latin by Pelagius, deacon, Pages 559 - 643
Section 1 Rules of the Fathers ) Section 2 Inner Stillness )Hyperlink to these three sections Section 3 Compunction ) Section 4 Self Control Hyperlink to Self Control Section 5 Sexual Temptation Hyperlink to Sexual Temptation Section 6 A monk should not possess anything Hyperlink to this section Section 7 Patience and Fortitude) Section 8 Do nothing for show ) Hyperlink to Sections 7 & 8 Section 9 Judge no one Section 10 Discretion Hyperlink to Sections 9 & 10 Section 11 Living soberly Hyperlink to Section 11 Section 12 Prayer without ceasing Hyperlink to Section 12 Section 13 Hospitality Section 14 Obedience Hyperlink to Sections 13 & 14 Section 15 Humility Hyperlink to Section 15 Section 16 Patience Section 17 Charity Hyperlink to Sections 16 & 17 Section 18 Second sight or contemplation (= clairvoyance) Hyperlink to Section 18 (Notes, not translated)
Book Six, Sayings of the Fathers, by an unknown Greek author translated into Latin by John, subdeacon, pages 644 - 663 Section 1 Second sight or contemplation Section 2 Old men who did signs Hyperlink to Sections 1 & 2 Section 3 The superlative observances of some holy people Hyperlink to Section 3 Section 4 Seven sayings of abba Moyses to abba Poemen and how those who keep them may avoid punishment Hyperlink to Section 4 (Notes, not translated)
Book Seven, Sayings of the Fathers, by an unknown Greek author translated into Latin by Paschasius, deacon. pages 664 - 685 Chapter 1 Conquering gluttony and sensual desire Chapters 1-17 Chapter 2 Love of money and perfect renunciation Chapter 3 A monk should not be upset if he loses or mislays anything Chapter 4 Putting up with poverty brings peace of mind Chapter 5 Keeping a check on avarice Chapter 6 Anger and what causes it Chapter 7 Returning good for evil Hyperlink to Chapters 1-7 Chapter 8 No revenge on one's enemies Chapter 9 Perfect patience Chapter 10 Giving up even good things for the sake of peace Chapter 11 Sadness which leads to despair Chapter 12 The spirit of vainglory Chapter 13 The spirit of pride Chapter 14 People who have arrived at perfection are as far as possible unwilling to work miracles or be held up as examples Hyperlink to Chapters 8-15 Chapter 15 It is sometimes useful to be entrapped in sordid thoughts lest we be puffed up Chapter 16 How to prevent slander Chapter 17 Submission to the will of your neighbour Chapter 18 Giving up self-will Chapters 18 - 29 Chapter 19 Tending the sick Chapter 20 Infirmity of body can profit the soul Hyperlink to Chapters 16-20 Chapter 21 The Fear of God Chapter 22 Penitence Chapter 23 Reconciliation with God the same day through penitence Chapter 24 Penance is accepted by God, even if death should intervene before penance is completed. Chapter 25 The assaults of the devil Chapter 26 How to mortify human vices Chapter 27 Perseverance Chapter 28 The work of the saints Chapter 29 The encouragement of lessons learned Chapter 30 Avoiding curiosity Chapters 30 - 44 Chapter 31 Avoiding strife Chapter 32 Silence Hyperlink to Chapters 21-32 Chapter 33 Refusing the honour of clerical status Chapter 34 Why seek solitude in the desert Chapter 35 The hermit's way of life Chapter 36 Brothers different, but of similar worthiness Chapter 37 Temporal advantage should be abandoned for the sake of charity Chapter 38 The effect of weeping and poverty when embraced for God's sake. Chapter 39 Human nature cannot find ultimate peace in this life Chapter 40 The sources of vice Chapter 41 The necessity of acquiring virtues. Chapter 42 How to live in community Hyperlink to Chapters 33-42 Chapter 43 Observing spiritual discipline Chapter 44 The thoughts of the twelve anchorites Hyperlink to Chapters 43-44 (Notes, not translated)
Book Eight, The Lausiac History, so called because dedicated to Lausus, 'a man who is devoted to everything spiritual and godly. By the grace of God he is the chamberlain of the divinely inspired and religious emperor' [Theodosius II, 401-450] Pages 686 - 79 by Palladius, bishop of Helenopoleo translated into Latin by Gentianus Hervetus The Lives of Isidore the priest, Dorotheus of Thebes, Potamiaena, Didymus the blind, Alexandra, a certain Virgin who struggled with the Love of money Hyperlink to this Section
Arsisius, Amon & his wife, Or, Pambo, Pior, Ammon & his brothers and sisters, Hyperlink to this Section
Benjamin, Apollonius the businessman, Paesius & Isaiah, Macarius the younger, Nathanael, Macarius of Egypt & Macarius of Alexandria, Hyperlink to this Section
Mark, Moses the former robber, Paul, the Virgin of 700 prayers, Cronius the priest, Eulogius of Alexandria and the disabled man, Hyperlink to this section
The Vision which Antony saw, Paul the Simple, Pachon, Stephan, Valens who fell from grace, Hyperlink to this Section
Ero, Ptolemy who fell from grace, a lapsed Virgin, Elias, Dorotheus, Piamun, Pachomius & those who were with him, Aphthonius, Hyperlink to this section
A Virgin who was falsely accused, a Virgin who pretended to be a halfwit, Pitirius, John of the city of Lycus Hyperlink to this Section
A tale of abba John about someone who fell, a tale of the same abba John about someone who was led to repent, another tale of abba John about someone who fell and was led to repent, Poemenia, Ammon and those who were with him, Hyperlink to this Section
Be, Theona, Elia, Apollo, Hyperlink to this Section
Amun, Copres, Surus, Isaiah, Paul, Anuph, Hellen, Hyperlink to this Section
Apelle, another John, Paphnutius, Tibicine (flautist), Protocomes, Mercator (merchant), Apollonius, Philemon the martyr and those martyred with him, Hyperlink to this Section
Dioscurus the priest, the anchorites of Nitria, Ammon and those who were with him, Isidore and those who were with him, Ammon the priest, John, Pityrion and those who were with him, Eulogius the priest, Serapion the priest, Posidonius, Jerome, Paula, Oxyperentius, Peter, Simeon, Serapion Sindonites, Hyperlink to this Section
Domnio. a silent Virgin, Evagrius a famous deacon, Pior, Moses of Libya, Chronius, Jacob, Paphnutius Cephala, Hyperlink to this Section
Cheremon, another, another, Stephan who lapsed, Solomon, Dorotheus, Diocles, Capito, an Anchorite who was deceived, Ephraem the deacon, Julian, Innocent, Adolius, Hyperlink to this Section
Abramius, Elpidius, Aenesius, Eustathius, Sisinnius, Gaddana, Elias, Sabatius, Philoromus, the blessed Severianus and his wife, Eleemon, Bisarion, the blessed Melania, Hyperlink to this Section
Ruffinus the priest, Melania the younger, Albina, Pinianus, Pammachius, Macarius, Constantius, Paula of Rome, Eustochium, Venerea, Theodora, Usia, Adolia, Basianilla, Photina, Asella, Avita, Magna, Hyperlink to this Section
The Virgin who sheltered Athanasius the bishop, amma Talida, amma Taor, the Virgin who renounced the world, the Virgin who lapsed and did penance, the daughter of a priest who falsely accused a reader, and the reader Eustathius, holy Silvania, Iubinus, Olympias, Hyperlink to this Section
Candida, Gelasia, Juliana, a noble Woman who retained her virginity, Magistrianus, the Senator's wife, the brother who travelled with Palladius Hyperlink to this Section
(Notes, not translated)
Book Nine, by Theodore of Cyprus translated into Latin by Gentianus Hervetus. Pages797 - 862 Prologue, Jacob of Nisibis Julianus Sabas Marcianus Eusebius Publius Simeon Priscus,Palladius & Aphraates Peter Theodosius, Romanus, Zeno and Macedonius Maesymas and Acepsimas Maro, Abraames, Eusebius, Salamanus, Maris and Jacobus Thalassius, Limnaeus, Johannes,Moses, Antiochus, Antonius, Zebinus and Polychronius Asclepius, Jacobus and Simeon Stylites Baradatus, Thalalaeus, Marana & Cyra Domnina
Book Ten, ("The Spiritual Meadow"), by John Moschus, translated into Latin by Ambrosius Camaldulensis Pages 863 - 938 Introduction and Prologue, John and the Cave of Sapsa, The old man who fed lions in his cave, Conon the presbyter of Penthucala, Leontius, A story about three monks told by Polychronius, another of his stories, An old man who refused to be made abbot, Myrogenes who had the dropsy Hyperlink to this Section
The wonderful charity of a certain holy Father, Barnabas the anchorite, Abba Agiodulas, A saying of Abba Olympius, Abba Mark the anchorite, The brother afflicted with leprosy, The marvellous deed of abba Conon, Abba Nicolas and his companions, Macnus, An old man who slept with lions, Abba Elias, The conversion of a soldier, An anchorite and his murderer, Another Conon, Theodulus, The old man in the cells of Cuziba, A brother of the monastery of Cuziba, Theophanes and his wonderful vision Hyperlink to this Section
The priest of the town of Mondandos, The marvellous deed of abba Julian the Stylite, The miracle of the holy Eucharist, Isidore of Melitensis, Conversion of Mary the Harlot Babylas the mime and his concubines Cometa and Nicosa, Bishop Theodotus, Alexander patriarch of Jerusalem, Elias of Jerusalem and Flavian of Antioch, Ephraem of Antioch, The bishop disguised as a builder, Anastasius the wicked emperor, The monk prevented from sinning by a country girl. Hyperlink to this Section
(List of Contents continued on next page…)
Home Next Top of Page Book One Book Two Book Three Book Four
Book Five Book Six Book Seven Book Eight Book Nine Book Ten Appendix 3